When you type in Debt Consolidation in Google, you get 60 million pages!! LOL well that's gotta tell you something. It's big business. There's so many websites it hard to tell who's real and who's a scam!! I think its fair to say the major banks aren't scams, except with them, its hard to get approved because they so tight now with money. It's catch-22, you gotta have good credit to get a loan but you wouldn't need a loan if you had good credit !!! Then there's the websites that look like scams to me. They ask you to sign up and give your email or they offer a credit evaluation online. I love the internet but for some reason i don't feel good doing banking online. I think its risky, cuz whoever your sending the info to could be bs and even you get lucky and they're good, you still have to worry about hackers and theives stealing all your important personal info. Scary stuff. Im gonna say best bet is to deal with major banks and credit unions, and try to stick with online companies that have brick and mortar branch locations. But i will say the internet is the best place to find out anything you need and definatly save you some time narrowing down your choice of financial institution.